Why we Hip Score!

Hip scoring is a common practice among border collie breeders to assess the health of their dogs. This process involves taking X-rays of the dog's hips and evaluating them for signs of hip dysplasia, a condition that can cause pain and mobility issues.

The purpose of hip scoring is to determine the likelihood of passing on this hereditary condition to future generations. By measuring the hip joint's structure and looking for any abnormalities, breeders can make informed decisions about which dogs to breed.

However, it is important to note that hip scoring is not a foolproof method and does not guarantee the absence of hip dysplasia in offspring. It is simply a tool that helps breeders minimize the risk. Therefore, it is crucial to also consider other factors such as genetics, diet, and exercise when breeding border collies.

We hip score but it is very subjective and we place more weight on how a puppy is raised so please make yourself familiar with our documents related to this in our information section. It is imperative that puppies are raised in safe enviroments to help minimise risks and injuries that can lead to future issues when older.